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Ledombolo (South African steamed bread)

Type of dish Bread
Cuisine south african
Keyword ledombolo, steam bread
Prep Time 2 hours
Cook Time 1 hour
Servings 1 Loaf


  • 5 Cups Flour
  • 10 g Yeast
  • 3 Tbsp. Sugar
  • 1 Tsp. Salt
  • 2 Cups Warm water


  • Mix dry ingredients in a bowl
  • Add a cup of water, mix with hands
  • Gradually add the soconds cup, kneadinguntil its a nice soft dough
  • Cover the bowl with a plate and towel, leave to rise for about an hour or until it has doubled
  • Oil a metal or enamel bowl, add the dough and let it rise
  • In the meantime, boil water
  • when the dumpling has risen, put the bowl in a pot big enough
  • Add boiling water reaching just under the bowl
  • Steam the dumpling on medium heat checking from time to time that the water doesnt run out
  • When the water is too little, add carefully on the side without pouring on the bread
  • Steam until the dumpling bounces back when pressed, if picked up it should feel light. this may take just less than an hour
  • take the bowl out of the pot and let the bread cool
  • Remove carefully and enjoy


  • Don't check the dumpling too often while it's steaming, you may open the pot at least 20 minutes after putting it on the stove.  Just like when bread is in the oven, the same rule applies, the dumpling might deflate if the pot is opened too often.  so, let it steam